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IARC encourages the general public, the scientific community, national health agencies, and other organizations to nominate agents for review in future IARC Monographs.
For details, please see: Information on nominations
Nominations form and declaration of interests for WHO experts
Published Monographs are available at https://publications.iarc.who.int/
Advisory Group to Recommend Priorities for the IARC Monographs during 2025–2029
The Lancet Oncology: article; PDF
French version of The Lancet Oncology summary (hosted by Centre Léon Bérard)
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Advisory Group to Recommend Priorities for the IARC Monographs during 2020–2024
The Lancet Oncology: article; PDF
French version of The Lancet Oncology summary (hosted by Centre Léon Bérard)
Report of the Advisory Group