Lyon, France
3–10 March 2026
Closing date: 3 November 2025
In the interest of transparency, Observers with relevant scientific credentials are welcome to attend IARC Monographs meetings. Observers can play a valuable role in ensuring that all published information and scientific perspectives are considered, and through the Call for Data are encouraged to send pertinent scientific publications to IARC. At the same time, Observers are invited to observe the meeting and should not attempt to influence it. This includes a requirement not to contact participants before the meeting or to lobby them at any time. In requesting Observer status, it is understood that you agree to respect the Guidelines for Observers at IARC Monographs Meetings.
Requests for Observer status should include:
- Curriculum vitae or résumé of the proposed Observer.
- Name and description of the sponsoring organization (Observers pay their own travel, hotel, and other expenses).
- WHO Declaration of Interests to disclose associations with parties that have an interest in any agent that will be reviewed.
- Code of Conduct.
- Confidentiality Undertaking.
Please send your nominations before the closing date by email (imo-secretary@iarc.who.int).
IARC will select Observers with attention to achieving a balance of Observers from constituencies with differing perspectives. To give all parties an opportunity to nominate Observers, IARC will select Observers after the closing date and send their invitations approximately 1 month later. IARC may grant later requests if space is available and if it would improve the diversity or balance among Observers.
Thank you for your interest in the IARC Monographs.
Lamia Benbrahim-Tallaa, Responsible Officer for Volume 141
Mary Schubauer-Berigan, Head of the IARC Monographs programme
Posted on 14 March 2025